25 Years Of Experience. Have you been charged with a Criminal Defense?

Call Now! (215) 822-9004

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Who Has Represented Well Over 1,000 People Arrested In Montgomery County PA.

Get a professional attorney who will take your case seriously. Being charged with a Criminal offense in Pennsylvania is very serious, scary, and costly. Depending on your situation, number of past offenses, and the facts of your case, a criminal offender could be facing; time in prison, significant fines, probation, and limited future job prospects due to a permanent criminal record.

However, there are options to alleviate the burdens of a criminal offense. Depending on the facts of your situation, you may be eligible for a pretrial diversionary program (ARD), rehabilitative probation programs, the dropping of charges, an acquittal, or eventual expungement of your criminal record. There are many variations of options and outcomes when dealing with criminal offenses. All depend on the facts of your case. At Logan Law, we fully understand the legal problems facing our clients and the options available for a positive outcome.

Do not hesitate and wait, take control of your legal situation. Allow The Law Office Of Mike Logan to assist you every step of the way. Contact us directly at (215) 822-9004 to evaluate your options.

Client Testimonials

At The Law Office Of Mike Logan, client satisfaction is our top priority. Many of our cases come from client referrals; we consider this the highest compliment. Here is a sampling of what our clients have said about us:

“This man is one incredible attorney. From day one everything he suggested me to do has paid off and the outcome of my case was unreal. I couldn’t believe the amount of work himself and Michael Logan put into my case. Mike instantly recognized that I had a problem and was going down a dark path. He got me in touch with a rehab and kept in contact with the courts, made sure I was doing okay,and made sure it was a seamless transition. When we we at hearings, and motions and preliminaries, he brought his a game. No matter how many cases he was dealing with he always kept me in the loop and defended me the way he himself would have wanted to be defended. I’m am forever grateful for what his lawfirm and himself has done for me. They got me out of a DUI and they got my life back on track. I felt like they genuinely cared, that I was not just another client. I highly highly recommend him to anyone. The other people giving him awful reviews most likely did not do what he asked them to do, or failed to leave out major details. He made this very stressful and hard much, much easier and have me peace of mind and knowledgeable guidance through out. He forever has my thanks and my blessings. ” – Posted By Christopher

“I owe a huge thank you to Mr. Logan for how he handled my case and helped me out of a sticky situation. Without discussing the details, the case against me was shaky at best and within minutes of sitting down with the arresting officer and the idea of a plea deal coming up, Mr. Logan told the officer that he would love to take this case to a trial, the officer looked at his papers, then at Mr. Logan and said “I don’t want to go to trial against you with this shaky case. I know you.” And I could not be happier to have had Mr. Logan there for me to speak for me with these people who clearly respected him. Mr. Logan exhibits a contagious confidence that seems carries over into his cases confident in his work and his case that he will win for you. And he will also be very kind and pleasant for you to deal with. Upon our first meeting and asking about myself, after fining out I play hockey, Mr. Logan offered me a pair of tickets to a flyers game for trusting him with my case. And as I’ve said I am happy that I trusted him as well. If you choose Mr. Logan you will leave your first meeting with him as confident as I was that you chose the right guy.” –Posted By David

Put The Law Office Of Mike Logan on your side today!

Being charged with a DUI/Criminal offense in Pennsylvania is very serious, scary, and costly. Depending on your situation, number of past offenses, and the facts of your case, a criminal offender could be facing; time in prison, significant fines, probation, and limited future job prospects due to a permanent criminal record. The experienced attorneys at The law offices of Mike Logan can help. Contact us today (215) 822-9004 for a free initial consultation. We look forward to discussing your case.

Pennsylvania Criminal Process

I’ll fight for your rights!

The attorneys at The Law office Of Mike Logan understand the criminal justice system and what is at stake for each and every one of our clients. We will not only protect your rights inside the courtroom, but will work to ensure that you have the best possible outcome in every area of your life affected by criminal charges.

Below is a sequential description of the PA Criminal Process and the steps an individual charged with a criminal offense will take. This is a broad overview provided for educational purposes only. This is not designed to be all inclusive. For an in depth explanation of the below process and your criminal charges, do not hesitate in contacting Mike Logan at 215-822-9004.

A bail modification hearing is a hearing held in front of a Judge in an effort to change or reduce the amount of money an individual would have to pay to be released from custody while awaiting the end of their case. This can work out for the benefit of both parties involved in the case.

As an example, our firm recently handled the matter of a young man who was facing serious charges and was held in lieu of posting $100,000.00 cash bail. The Magisterial Judge assigned to his case initially agreed to reduce that amount to $30,000.00 cash bail. Our firm agreed to step in and represent him at the Court of Common Pleas, where we were successful in getting the Judge to agree to reduce the amount further to a bail amount of $30,000.00 at 10%, meaning that only $3,000.00 was necessary to release this man from prison. A far cry from $30,000.00!

Bail modifications can be win-win for both, the accused and for the attorney involved in the case. By reducing the bail amount, we can then consider the possibility of an assignment of bail to pay the legal fees in a matter. We consider a bail assignment on a case by case basis, after reviewing the facts. This can allow the accused to be out of holding while awaiting their trial, and then to pay legal fees due for the matter once it has completed. Bail money is not released until the case is completed, so we don’t get paid until your matter is resolved, one way or another.

Contact our office and ask about a bail modification or a bail assignment today if you need representation.

At this stage criminal activity takes place. The police will be notified and commence an investigation. A police officer can be notified by witnesses or actually witness the event taking place. For example, a police office may witness a driver of a motor vehicle swerving on the road and pull over (with adequate probable cause) the driver for suspicion of Driving Under the Influence (DUI). On the other hand, the police may be called because of a criminal event. For example, if there is a fight between two people and the police are called due to noise and concern. They will speak with witnesses and gather relevant information and evidence.
Once the police investigate the incident and determine that an alleged crime has been committed, the police will initiate the criminal process by filing a criminal complaint and affidavit of probable cause with the elected Magisterial District Judge (MDJ) responsible for that jurisdiction. The complaint and affidavit will set forth the facts that support the elements of the crime(s) committed. Depending on the seriousness of the crime, the MDJ will issue either a summons or an arrest warrant. A summons will be mailed to the defendant and specify the time and place for the preliminary arraignment or hearing. If an arrest warrant is issued, the defendant will either turn themselves in or be “served” (arrested) by the appropriate authorities. Under both scenarios (summons or warrant), the defendant has been charged with a crime and must answer the complaint before the MDJ.

If a summary citation is filed, the defendant will have a very specific and limited time frame to notify the MDJ of their intention moving forward. The defendant must state whether they wish to have a summary trial or simply plead guilty and pay the fine. This process is applicable to summary offenses (minor traffic offense) and non-traffic summary offense (underage drinking).

If the defendant wishes to have a summary trial, the MDJ will set a date and notify all parties involved. The trial will be held at the MDJ court and be a complete mini-trial. Both sides (commonwealth represented by the initiating police officer & defendant) are afforded the opportunity to put forth their version of the events through direct testimony and cross examination. To be found guilty, the MDJ must find the defendant guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. Beyond all reasonable doubt means there cannot be any doubt in the mind of the MDJ that the defendant committed every element of each criminal charge. It is imperative that you know and understand every element of each charge and the full meaning defined by the courts. Cases hinge on the definition of single words and sometimes seemingly irrelevant or trivial facts.

The preliminary arraignment is the time in which the MDJ will notify the criminal defendant of the charges against them, of their rights, and the date and time of the preliminary hearing. Each MDJ handles the specific procedures of the preliminary arraignment slightly different. It is important to know the local rules and adhere to them strictly.
The preliminary hearing is the time and place in which the Commonwealth must present sufficient evidence for a MDJ to find a “prima facie” case against the criminal defendant. This means that the Commonwealth must establish each element actually occurred and the criminal defendant is probably the individual who committed the offense(s). The proceeding is quite similar to a trial, however; the burden is significantly lower.

If the MDJ finds a prima facie case exists, the case will be “bound over” (proceed forward) to the Court of Common Pleas. If the MDJ finds a prima facie case does not exist, the charges will be dismissed. It is important to note that this is not an all or nothing event. For example, if there are three charges against you, the MDJ may find a prima facie case exists for two but not the other. This would mean that the two charges will move forward and the third dismissed.

The defendant has a right to a preliminary hearing. As such, the defendant may decide that it is in their best interest to “waive” (forgo the hearing altogether) the hearing. Some potential reasons include: a negotiated plea has been reached; desire to enter into pretrial diversionary program (ARD, ASP, STOP); or the defendant has decided that there is sufficient evidence to move forward without a hearing.

The formal arraignment process differs from county to county. Essentially, the principle is the same. It is the point at which the court brings both parties (Commonwealth & Defendant) together to advise the defendant of the charges against them and set forth the time frame for pre-trial motions and discovery requests. In some counties this process can be “waived” (forgo appearance at this event) and a Pretrial Conference scheduled instead. In the remaining counties, this cannot be waived and your appearance is mandatory.
The pretrial conference is designed to determine the path to disposition the case will take. The conference is essentially a meeting of the Commonwealth and Defense counsel before the presiding Judge. All unresolved pretrial issues should be addressed at this conference. Additionally, the defendant may elect to enter a plea of guilty at this point and move for immediate or deferred sentencing.
There is no obligation for a criminal defendant to plead guilty; however, if they elect to do so, a guilty plea hearing will be scheduled. The defendant, representative of the District Attorney’s office and the presiding Judge will be present. The presiding Judge will determine, typically through colloquy, that the defendant is entering their plea “knowingly and voluntarily.” The Judge will either accept the plea or reject. If the Judge accepts the plea, the defendant may be sentenced immediately or may request a deferred sentence date.
The trial is the time and place that the presiding Judge or Jury is charged with determining guilt beyond all reasonable doubt. This means that the Judge or Jury must not have a single doubt in their mind that the defendant has committed the alleged acts. The Commonwealth through the District Attorney must prove the case with evidence and testimony to establish each element of each offense. The defendant need not prove their innocence; however, it may be necessary to put forth evidence to contradict the Commonwealth’s position.

At the conclusion of the trial, the Judge or Jury must return a verdict. A Jury must return a unanimous verdict. If the defendant is found not guilty, they will be discharged immediately. If the defendant is found guilty, the defendant may be sentenced immediately or may request a deferred sentence date.

As mentioned above, sentencing may happen either immediately after a guilty plea or be scheduled at a later date. Sentencing is the time and place where the presiding Judge will impose the penalty for committing the crime(s). Generally, the Judge may sentence a defendant to prison, probation, payment of restitution, accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD), alternative sentencing program (ASP), second time offenders program (STOP), house arrest, work release, state intermediate punishment (SIP), county intermediate punishment (CIP), state boot camp program (BC), and/or any combination of the above. This list is not meant to be all inclusive. There may be many other options available.

The sentence will depend on several factors including; mandatory minimums/maximums, prior record score, offense gravity score, offense classification, mitigating or aggravating factors (drugs in a school zone or weapons enhancement), character testimony, and/or presentence investigation (PSI) recommendations. A sentencing Judge will consider all relevant factors and impose a sentence accordingly.

If you are facing criminal charges and are in need of an experience criminal defense attorney or criminal defense law firm, please do not hesitate to contact The law offices of Mike Logan at (215) 822-9004 and speak with one of our trusted criminal lawyers.

We’d Like To Help You With Your Criminal Case

If you are facing criminal charges and are in need of an experience criminal defense attorney or criminal defense law firm, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Logan at (215) 822-9004 or fill out the form below to receive a FREE Consultation.

We’d Love To Help You With Your Criminal Case

If you are facing criminal charges and are in need of an experience criminal defense attorney or criminal defense law firm, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Logan at (215) 822-9004 or fill out the form below to receive a FREE Consultation.


215 822 9004
593 Bethlehem Pike,
Montgomeryville, PA 18936

Areas We Serve

Berks, Bucks, Chester, Columbia, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, Northampton, Northumberland And Schuylkill.
